Wednesday, May 6, 2020

IT System Analysis and Design

Question: Describe about the IT System Analysis and Design? Answer: Introduction Social media are actually the computer mediated tools which allow the people to do the creation, share and also to exchange some of the ideas, pictures and the information with the help of the networks and the virtual communities. On the basis of the definition, social media is actually the group of some of the applications which are based on internet and also build the technological and the ideological foundation which helps the users in doing the exchange and the creation of the user created content. Social media is mainly depends on the mobile and also the web based technologies. It also helps to create the interactive platforms through which it becomes easy to do the share, discuss and also do any of the modification of the user generated contents. Some of the classification of the social media includes social networking, social blogs, wikis, and internet forum etc. now days the rise of the popularity of the social networking sites becomes one of the most important global phenome non (Arslantepe, 2014). The best way to describe the social media is that media is the instrument of doing the communication on the social basis, so social media becomes the one of the social instrument for doing the communication. Impact of the Social Media on the Hospitality and the Tourism Management Social media becomes one of the most important media of the daily life of the people in their todays life. Videos and the photos sharing becomes one of the most important factors of the people life in the 21st century. Social media also helps the people to remain connected with the friends and also the family especially on the basis of the social networking sites. Due to the availability of the social media any one can gain the knowledge about the whole world by doing one swipe and also by doing one mouse click from anywhere in the place of the world. With the availability of the social media and also the social networking site the tourism industry can take the golden opportunity to attract the customers by sharing the photos and the videos of the breathtaking places and the sceneries. There are many of the customers who think that the social media is one of the most trusted sources and also the place of the information. By attracting the more numbers of the customers, the tourism in dustry share the photos, videos and also the reviews of the people on the social media so that by depending on the personal reviews of the tourist it can attract the more numbers of the tourist toward their agencies (Brusse, Gardner, McAullay Dowden, 2014). Another of the most important tools the social media provide is that the communication tools which helps the more numbers of the people to maintain the proper communication. Now days the social media is also gets available on the smart phones also so that the people dont need to see the TV and also the other media by sitting on the one place. Consumers also have that much of the capability to do the interaction with the other consumers and also can share their personal reviews directly (Rabindranath Kapil, 2014). Now days internet also plays one of the vital roles in the context of the social media by doing the proper advertisement and also the proper sharing the things which needs to share on their web pages. So social media is becomes one of the most important easily accessible site in todays world. Social media also becomes one of the most important platforms to improving and also to developing the new relation with the different customers all over the world (Chang, Liu Chen, 20 13). Another important role of the social media is that it becomes the more time and also the cost effective. Due to the availability of the social media and also the social networking site the hotels and also the tourism agency can create their brand awareness program which helps to gain the popularity. Furthermore the social media also becomes one of the more convenient platforms and also allows the easy access for the customer. It also brings the more efficient team work and also the flexibility for the companies with the availability of the technologies. With the availability of the social media the customer needs to do many things to gain the information about the hospitality and the tourism which they want to know. It also becomes cost effective because the customer can easily get all the information about the tourism plans and also about the hospitality management within the very low cost (Chen Lin, 2014). The most important role which the social media plays and also basically known for that is the creation of the brand awareness and also in building brand images so that it becomes one of the most popular products among the people of todays world. To convince the greater numbers of the customers and also to attract the large numbers of the customers the social media becomes one of the easier platforms (Roman, 2014). The more business in the tourism and the hospitality industry using both the social media and also the social networking site in their own advantages so that they can improve their sales and also to improve the maximization in their profit. To do the advertisement in the social media the organization uses the policy of the brand ambassadors so that they can increase the sale of their products and also increase the profits (Erdem Cobanoglu, 2010). Social networking sites and also the social media also plays the vital role in doing the promotion of any of the products of the organization. Social networking sites do the promotion of the products by doing the advertisement in their web pages and also their own networking site. Social media mainly the TV plays also the important role in doing the advertisement and also in the field of the promotion. Now days the organization uses the techniques of doing the advertisement by using the brand ambassador in the social media so that it can attracts the large numbers of the customers. In doing the promotion about the some of the special plans and also some of the special information about the organization it can also do some of the social media campaigns and also the e-commerce so that it can helps more in doing the promotion about the organization (Norman, 2012). In doing the promotion on the social media at first it needs to do the proper customization of the platform so that only the customized features are available. Some of the features include the images, description of the contents and also the headlines so that it can easily grab the eyes of the customers. It also very important to have the proper ideas about the right time of doing share of the special plans and also the offers so that the customers can get more attracted towards it and also needs to use some of the important and also the related graphics to improve the maximum numbers of the engagement of the customers towards the organization (Roman, 2014). To make the promotion more effective it also needs to share what are going to come next and also needs to maximize the brand advocates so that they can give the proper ideas about the promotion tools and also tells where they needs to do the changes so that it can grab the more numbers of the customers (Isaacs, 2014). By using the social media the organization can easily gather the information about the target customers and also they know where they need to do more improvement to maximization the profits of the organization. People prefers more on the experienced goods rather than the good on the search basis so the organization use the personal reviews in their web pages so that it can attract the maximum numbers of the customer towards them. It also helps to sustain the loyal customers on their sides by using some of the techniques which includes the sharing of the personal reviews of the customers so that they can feels more appreciations and also special and also they can get proper platform to share their own experience as well as the organizations and also the others people. To do the proper targeting of the customers by using the social media the organization needs to follow some of the most important steps which are discussed below (Kusumasondjaja, 2014): In the first step it needs to create some of the broad descriptions about the buyers where they needs to follow and also they needs to do the target so that they can create the high level view of what to do next and also when to do (Hanson, 2013). In the second steps they needs to identify the goals and the features of the unique users so that they can enhance the customers by in sighting all the details of the customers and most importantly they needs to do the proper identification of the users goals by using the features so that it can effects the willingness of the customers to do the purchase (Munar, 2012). In the third steps they needs to locate and also to do the proper list down of the customers and also needs to do the proper list of the websites which are most frequently visit by the people so that they can do the proper targeting on the customer (Luhur Widjaja, 2014). Conclusion By analyzing and also by giving the proper description about the social media and also how they create the impact on both the hospitality and also the tourism management it describes the whole idea about how to influence the behaviors of the consumers so that they can do the proper share of the photos and the videos very easily with the various numbers of the consumers all over the world ('Social Media produktive Mediennutzung', 2014). The utilization of the social media makes the things much cost and time effective so that it can do targeting to the more numbers of the customers. The social media also helps in doing the creation of the awareness in the brand and also in proper building the brand images which helps more in convincing the customers. The availability of the social media helps in doing the proper promotion of the plans and also the things by using some of the proper mechanism so that it can grab the eyes of the more numbers of the customers. 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